

Borrow A Pencil

A MERN stack web application built to connect teachers and students with the school supplies they need to create a better classroom for everyone.

Dead Cat

A Google Chrome extension that provides technical indicators of stocks in the Nasdaq and NYSE markets with information pulled from the Financial Modeling Prep API. View the most volatile stocks of the day as well your own stock tickers.

Elevate Oral Care

A website for Elevate Oral Care's International business ventures. Built with React JS and using React Router. The contact form was handled with php.

Bitcoin Ladies

A website for a nonprofit that aims to educate about more women about bitcoin. Utilizies HTML5, CSS3, and vanilla Javascript, as well as a variety of libraries and frameworks.

Studio Silence

A local stained glass artist based in Chicago, Illinois. Custom gallery, contact, and horizontal scrolling effect while viewed on larger screens. Embedded links to the artist's Etsy store as well as a form to request custom work.